Next Three Events:
Download the Fall 2024 calendar as a pdf here.
Talks • Walks • History Tours • More!
Spring 2025 coming soon!
We are plotting our Spring calendar of Public Talks, Walking and Bicycling Tours, and our ongoing "Walk'n'Talks" that will explore the four legs of the Crosstown and Double Cross Trails this spring. Stay tuned!
We welcome donations. Donate now!
Explore Shaping San Francisco:
Ecology Emerges
Discussions and reflections on the history of Bay Area ecological activism, based on oral histories documenting the past 50 years.
Ecology Emerges is an oral history gathering project to explore the past 50 years of ecological activism in the Bay Area and the role that individual and institutional memories play in the development, policy proposals, and interrelationships that together make up the existing networks of ecological politics. We document the living ecological activist movement, in their own words, but also in a larger context of urban growth and globalization.
Oral Histories
Shaping San Francisco, as part of our ongoing work, sits down with people who have stories to tell and conducts oral history interviews.
Check them out here."Editor's Pick Tour" from
Comprised of over 1,400 pages, and 2,500 historical photos, the wiki-based archive is the product of hundreds of contributors, regular people who were compelled by the chance to investigate some piece of this City's past.
Shaping San Francisco is fiscally sponsored by Independent Arts & Media, a California non-profit corporation.